#MyrtleMondays: Let’s Go Shopping!

In Cold-Blooded Myrtle (October 5), some of the main action takes place at the local village shop. Shopping was hardly a new concept in the 19th century, but the Victorians took it to levels never before seen, turning a necessity into an enthusiastic pastime. Let’s take a look at the origins of modern shopping. (more…)

#Myrtle Mondays: Mondays and Mondays and More Mondays…

Is Easter Monday a holiday for you? I’m daydreaming of days off right now. Myrtle Hardcastle Mysteries Book 4 is due May 1, and here I am, chained to my laptop, while outside spring has sprung—glorious weather, flowers starting to bloom, allergens astir in the April breeze… I sure wish I could play hooky from work today! Instead, let’s have a look at a hodgepodge of things on my mind this working Easter Monday. (more…)