#MyrtleMondays: Stirring-Up Sunday!

This weekend marked the unofficial beginning of the Yuletide season—both here in the US, with Friday’s kickoff of holiday shopping, and across the pond, with yesterday’s (or today’s, as I’m writing this) Stirring-Up Sunday: the day when English families traditionally make their Christmas puddings. And thus it marks the beginning of an annual tradition here at #MyrtleMondays, too: when I stir up your holiday spirit by filling your inboxes weekly with all things Victorian Christmas! This year we have some familiar classics and some fun new features planned. Let’s get started!

#MyrtleMondays from Page to Seam: Making Minna the Foxhound!

Once upon a time, before the real-life Peony the Cat came into my life and changed everything, I was a Dog Person. Or, to be more accurate, a dogs person. Many of them. For many years, we had an extra-large canine family, and friends would urge me to put them in a book. Well, with Myrtle Hardcastle Mysteries Book 5, Myrtle, Means, and Opportunity, that book has finally arrived! And because I’m me, the way to commemorate this momentous event was to make something! Come see how I brought Minna the Foxhound to 3D life!
