April 2022

#MyrtleMondays: On Treadmills

I am swiftly approaching my deadline for Myrtle Hardcastle Mysteries Book 5, Myrtle, Means, and Opportunity—-and this stage of the process always feels like I’m running in place: writing and writing and writing and getting absolutely nowhere, until suddenly I’m done! Hoping for that magical moment to arrive any day now. This is actually quite… Read more »

#MyrtleMondays: Everything You Could Want

This week we continue our series on Victorian consumerism with a peek into the world of mail order commerce. Think Amazon invented the mail order megastore? Think again. Our Victorian ancestors had everything they could want at their fingertips, too, thanks to a now-familiar name.

#MyrtleMondays: Secret of the Belltower!

Don’t worry, Dear Reader, you’re not having déjà vu. This isn’t the Campanile post from a couple weeks ago again—this is an entirely new secret of the belltower! Come take a look…