#MyrtleMondays: Myrtle in Germany, part 2

I’m very excited to share the news that Premeditated Myrtle’s German publisher, Von Dem Knesebeck, has also picked up How to Get Away with Myrtle! To celebrate, today I’m sharing some magnificent images of 19th century German travel. Enjoy! 

In How to Get Away with Myrtle, Myrtle and Miss Judson (and Peony, of course) take a holiday to a seaside resort. The seaside was just as popular in Germany:

Nordeseebader means “Northern seaside resort” and Sylt was (and is) a booming holiday town


Male swimmers enjoy the services of bathing carts (and their attendants) in 19th century Norderney


A sunny beach day at Wyk auf Föhr around 1890


Norderney’s Promenade included splendid luxury tennis courts (1895)

In a more curious vein…

19th Century Dresden milk bar. 1883 engraving of people drinking fresh milk in the central hall of a milk bar (Milchkuranstalt) in Dresden, Germany. | In a world where pasteurization had yet to take hold, the appeal of very fresh milk is understandable.


German chocolatiers Theodore Hildebrand & Son produced a series of lively lithographs predicting Family Amusements of the year 2000:

The caption reads “Water Walking in the year 2000”


Myrtle would be more interested in this advanced police technology: an X-ray camera!


And what German holiday would be complete without a stereograph of the making of sauerkraut?

The Library of Congress has many German stereographs in their magnificent collection.

I’ll share more details of Myrtle’s German tour as they become available!


3 Responses to “#MyrtleMondays: Myrtle in Germany, part 2”

  1. Barbara A Mischke

    I just discovered you…how fun!

    My husband is from Germany so I will share these pictures with him.

    I wonder about the year 2000…is that a mistake?


    • Elizabeth C. Bunce

      Thanks for stopping by! The chocolate cards were predicting what vacations would be like in the year 2000. (My water-walking shoes are 21 years late! LOL)