If you’re a fan of Sherlock Holmes, you no doubt know the name The Strand. This British and American magazine is famous for publishing many of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s mysteries, beginning with “The Scandal in Bohemia” in 1891 and continuing well into the twentieth century (not counting the Great Hiatus). Doyle’s association with The Strand lasted forty years and included some 200 stories, articles, poems, and serialized novels.
Budding Victorian detective Myrtle Hardcastle (whose first two adventures, Premeditated Myrtle and How to Get Away with Myrtle are now available) is a great admirer of Doyle’s consulting detective, and therefore an avid reader of The Strand. In fact, as Book 3, Cold-Blooded Myrtle (coming October 2021) begins, Myrtle is eagerly awaiting the release of the December 1893 edition. This is the issue that literally—if temporarily—sounded the death-knell for Holmes. In the infamous “The Final Problem,” Holmes has his legendary encounter with Professor Moriarity at Reichenbach Falls.

Sidney Paget’s illustration of the mortal conflict between Holmes and Moriarity, from The Strand, December 1893
I am thrilled to announce that I now have my very own personal connection to this historical literary tradition (besides the name, which also connects us: Strand comes from the famous London street near the Thames, from an Old English word for the bank of a river. That same word gave me my Norwegian family name of Strand, meaning beach. End fascinating etymological footnote.). Last week, The Strand published my article “Those Meddling Kids: A History of Our Favorite Young Detectives!”

It is not hyperbole to say that this is a highlight of my career! Writing a piece about detective fiction for one of the publications known for creating the genre? It doesn’t get much more thrilling than that.
Although Doyle continued to publish pieces in The Strand, Holmes would not make another appearance until 1901’s serialization of The Hound of the Baskervilles.

The Strand’s tradition of detective fiction is hardly limited to Sherlock Holmes, however. They also published—and continue to publish—original works by Agatha Christie, Margery Allingham, Dorothy L. Sayers, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and more.

December 1935 issue, featuring a Hercule Poroit story by Agatha Christie
Unfortunately for Myrtle, Holmes’s “Great Hiatus” from 1893-1901 means that she won’t see any more Sherlock Holmes adventures for some time. But fortunately for modern readers, today’s Strand continues in print and online. See more at their website here.

Additional resources:
The Strand archives at Arthur Conan Doyle.com
The Strand archives at the Agatha Christie Wiki
Sherlock Holmes and 19th century detective fiction at the British Library
High five to you! Two new novels and a Strand article! Awesome! Loved the article. Loved Myrtle #1. Partway into Myrtle #2 as we speak. 🙂