Huzzah!! The Myrtle Hardcastle Mysteries finally arrive tomorrow! (Maybe I ought to have gone with Myrtle Tuesdays?) Are you ready to celebrate?
In preparation, I have been…
Signing Bookplates
Sending out invitations
Remember, the Premeditated Myrtle/How to Get Away with Myrtle virtual launch is being held tomorrow night, Tuesday, October 6, at 6:00 pm with Watermark Books.
If you’d like to participate in the Q&A (please! Come ask questions! That’s my favorite part of any appearance), register at Watermark by clicking this link. If you’d prefer just to watch, you can view it on Facebook Live. Either way, I can’t wait to see you!
I have many more events planned this fall, if you can’t make that one (or just want to make them all!) see them all here.
Sewing lilies
Waiting expectantly for celebratory desserts
And practicing my Zoom moves!
In addition to all of the upcoming events, Algonquin Young Readers has a lot of fun stuff planned for Myrtle’s release month. Make sure you follow them on Instagram, along with the hashtags #DoubleMyrtle and #MHDS (that stands for the Myrtle Hardcastle Detective Society, by the way, and there will be more information on that soon, too!).
But, of course, the most important thing is that now readers everywhere can get their hands on Premeditated Myrtle and How to Get Away with Myrtle! There has been such enthusiasm from reviewers big and small, and I am so excited to finally share these new books with everyone.
Happy reading, and thanks for sharing in the fun!